01010000 01010010 01001111 01010000 01000101 01010010 01010100 01011001 00100000 01001111 01000110 00100000 01000110 01001111 01010001 01001001

01010000 01010010 01001111 01010000 01000101 01010010 01010100 01011001 00100000 01001111 01000110 00100000 01000110 01001111 01010001 01001001

“The Code” or “The Binary” is an infectious disease that is characterized, first, by the development of a dark rash on the skin. From this rash, comes the sprouting of spiraling 1’s and 0’s. This disease is rapidly spreading, and quickly infects it’s surroundings. Including the environment it is in, the people around it, and the host itself.

Please see the images provided to identify the beginning stages, of The Code infecting a person’s body. Patient Etoiles was already infected prior to these photographs being taken, and has consented to the sharing of these photographs for research purposes.



It should be noted that the specimen (Etoiles) was infected on his upper arm prior to being brought in for photographing. His infection overtook his entire left arm and had spread over his breast, both shoulders, and had begun to crawl down his arm. Photographing began when the infection began to spread past his elbow.


This stage is easy to miss in newly infected individuals. It does not begin in a uniform state, as can be noted from the photograph. Early stages of code spread begin extremely quickly. This photo was taken 2 days following the first one, and as it can be seen, has taken over a decent amount of the underside of the specimen’s hand.


This stage is when most specimen have become most able to notice if and when they have been infected. Rather than being just a rash, the code begins to take over a significant portion of the specimen’s skin, sprouting lines of code from it that changes and moves at a rapid pace. It is at this stage of spread that the infected specimen may begin to lose feeling in the infected part of the body. This photo was taken only 2 days after example 2.


When the code has begun to take over this much of the limb, the specimen will begin to lose total feeling in it. In this case, the specimen’s fingers had to be manually held open as they were unable to be removed from a sword-clasping shape. Binary begins to take over more of the limb, and pieces of it glitch away from the major body part as if no longer a physical being. This photo was taken only 2 days after example 3.


In the event that the infection takes over the entirety of the specimen’s limb, it will become increasingly more impossible for the individual to move it, let alone discern it’s working parts from one another. The binary takes over the entirety of the limb, and seems to change with every movement the specimen wills it to make. Actions may be made against the specimen’s will, the limb glitching in and out of socket to perform striking motions in Etoiles’ case. Under further observation, the limb is infected all the way through. There is no bone to cut through anymore. This photo was taken only 2 days after example 4.

All testing was done under extreme circumstances. Contact was not broken between Etoiles and the fully infected item put in his possession for this procedure. It should be noted, however, that even without contact, other specimen have developed at similar rates. Please keep this in mind when caring for an infected patient. Do not interact physically with any code infected specimen unless fully protected and authorized.

There is no currently known cure beyond direct amputation before the code enters the torso. It has been observed in infected E.G.G.S. specimen that taking a life removes the code enough to be amputated. We are not currently interested in taking a life from Etoiles in order to further research, so it is uncertain if players are able to be cured. Etoiles is not willing to die for this cause, so research is stunted in this regard.

No medical cure has yet been found for the infection. It must once again be stressed that it is highly infectious and must be treated with caution.